A Seduction
by Stones: The Traditional Lore of Gems
a libation to the dead while wearing white quartz, and you give the dead
the gift of happiness. Rubies will pale in the presence of poison while
amber will blacken, and blue sapphires will change color to warn of an
enemy's attack. White chalcedony will increase a mother's milk, and citrine
will increase prosperity. Opal, often connected with healing diseases
of the eye, is known as the thief's stone because of its ability to sharpen
the wearer's sight while dimming a pursuer's vision, thus conferring invisibility.
Aquamarine is a stone of courage and a protection for sailors, though
emerald is also valued by travelers for its ability to calm stormy seas.
Topaz not only dispels nightmares but cures madness and cowardice. Diamonds,
which have long been a symbol of purity and invincibility, guard the wearer
against phantasms, sorcery, snakebite, fire and floods; and turquoise
not only protects you from evil but from falling from a horse.
The above bits of lore taken from Vedic, European, and Native American
sources are just a tiny sample of what I found when I began researching
A Rumor of Gems, a fantasy novel based on the traditional lore
of gemstones (Tor Books, June 2005). For as long as I can remember I've
been fascinated by gems. An animist by nature, I was drawn to them not
only for their beauty but for their mystery. As a child reading about
birthstones, the idea that certain gems had certain powers seemed a self-evident
truth. To me they have always held the promise of magic . . . |